Ricardo Calado was born in Cascais 1976 and graduated in Biology in 1999 from the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University (FCUL). On 2005 he obtained his PhD in Biology (specialization in Animal Biotechnology) from the same institution.
After founding the spin-off company LusoReef Lda., the first Portuguese Enterprise dedicated to the aquaculture of marine ornamental species, he started a post-doc in 2006 in the Associated Laboratory CIMAR at CCMAR (University of the Algarve), retaining a bond to the private sector as a consultant for aquaculture and marine life support systems.
From 2008 to 2013 he was an Assistant Researcher at the Department of Biology (dbio) and the Associated Laboratory CESAM of University of Aveiro (UA), where he is now Principal Researcher and develops independent research on Sustainable Blue Growth, namely in the research fields of Applied Marine Ecology, Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology.
Author of 179 publications in international peer reviewed journals listed on Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), he has 2804 citations, an h-index of 28 and an accumulated impact factor >500 (according to Clarivate Analytics metrics). He has authored 5 books (1 as single author and 1 as leading editor published by Wiley-Blackwell) and 12 book chapters. He has chaired several sessions in international meetings and has given 4 oral presentations as plenary speaker. Peer reviewer of projects for national and international financing institutions, he already peer-reviewed articles for 66 journals listed on Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and is part of the Editorial Team of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Frontiers in Marine Science (Frontiers), Marine Drugs (MDPI) and Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (Wiley).
Currently he supervises/co-supervises 9 MSc students (32 completed) and 7 PhD students (14 completed), 3 Post-docs Researchers with Contracts, 8 Post-doc Researchers with Grants (10 completed), and 8 Research Assistants (6 with MSc) (10 with MSc and 3 with BSc completed, as well as 2 Technical Staff with PhD). He is/has already been responsible as PI of research projects adding up to >4M €, several of them in consortium with SMEs. He lectures the MSc discipline of Life Support Systems and Stocking of Marine Organisms at UA and is regularly invited to lecture on Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture in Portugal and abroad.
He is the PI of CESAM’s research Thematic Line on Marine Ecosystems & Resources and is responsible for CEPAM-ECOMARE at UA. He represents CESAM/UA in the executive board of the Collaborative Laboratory for the Blue BioEconomy (B2E) and the Portuguese Network for Blue BioResources (BlueBio Alliance).
Blue Bioeconomy
Traceability of Seafood
and Live Marine Organisms
Marine Lipidomics
Applied Marine Ecology
Bioprospecting of Marine
Natural Products
Sustainable harvest, husbandry, culture and trade of marine ornamental species.
Influence of global changes on the phenology of marine invertebrates with complex life cycles.
Development and technical improvement of life support systems for marine organisms and their larval stages.
Other research interests: